Are you missing out on future sales with your web site?

One of the biggest problems I see with companies and their web sites when it comes to generating sales is that they do not “capture” the email addresses of visitors. Most companies expect a visitor to come to their web site and immediately make a call or a purchase. It rarely works that way.

It’s called “browsing” the internet for a reason… 

It takes trust and several exposures for a potential customer to make a purchase or a serious inquiry. Many times, we’re so eager to sell, sell, sell that we forget that there has to be a genuine need on the part of the customer AND that need can only be met when they’re ready. Otherwise, we enter into a game of “cat and mouse “.

However, the fact that a visitor is at your web site tells us one simple thing – They are here now. We don’t know exactly why, but they are. We can’t be too aggressive with our web site copy or “nag” them with intrusive “chat” popups while they’re browsing. Those things can be a real turn off.

You can, however, put a system into place that turns your static storefront into an automated marketing machine. Instead of hoping and praying that someone calls you or buys something NOW, you can offer them an incentive to give you their email address in return for a special report or some other useful information (or coupon or discount towards a future purchase).

What’s in it for them? – If you do things right, you can create unbiased reports and resources that your potential clients will see as valuable. You then become less of a “threat” and more of an “asset”, only seeking to lend a hand and help.

What’s in it for you? – You now have permission to market to them on a regular basis with more helpful tips, offers, and newsletters. You can earn their trust over time and when they’re ready to make a purchase, your company will remain fresh in their minds.

Make sense?

This approach really works. We’ve seen businesses grow their future sales exponentially using this approach (including ours). However, it does requires a commitment of a few things on your part:

1. You need to create (or have someone else create) some sort of “offer” for visitors to your web site. This should be some sort of guide, report, discount, or other special information that helps educate your customers and help them with their “problem”.
2. You need a system of collecting their email addresses and managing them. There are many systems out there that can do this for you very reasonably.
3. You need to consistently send well written email communications that offer more information, tips, and offers that they may deem useful. Be careful here not to market too aggressively or you may see a spike in “unsubscribes”.

Using this systematic approach, you’ll create a “herd” of potential clients who will come to know and trust you as well as your products or services.

So, take action today and start maximizing the traffic that you’re getting to your web site. Your future revenue numbers will thank you!

If you’re open to some new ideas for turning your static web site into a lead generating “system”, we’re here to help as well.

Click here to schedule a confidential consultation or call us directly at 877.490.8324.

To your success!

Ben Vaughn
Sr. Online Business Strategist
AutoWeb Technologies